Le classi quarta e quinta del Liceo Classico della Fondazione Grossman presentano di seguito un aspetto del programma di Storia dell’Arte che hanno approfondito attraverso la fotografia.

Esercitazione “Inedito”

Classe 5K

Bianca Fratin, Ash and stubble, 2017

A road in the middle of two fields creates generates a contrast. One side is burnt, and waiting for the re-birth, the other is dried, at the end of its life. Two people are walking side-by-side on the road: they are headed to the horizon under a blue sky.

Maria Veronica Cantale, Aim at horizon, 2017

The picture shows a line of benches looking at the sea as if they were expecting something The cannon focuses on Stroboli, the only island that, raising from the flat sea, breaks the horizon’s line.

Sara Garrone, Smoke on the water, 2017

The subject is a wonderful beach with white sand in Tuscany. A clear contrast emerges between such beauty and a local smokestacks factory, which stands as an out-of-context element

Sofia De Pra, Two generations, 2017

An orange Wolkswagen stands out between three cold-coloured cars in a brown background of a boring road in a huge metropolis.

Esercitazione “Vista prospettica”

Classe 4K

4K – Lorenzo Mauri, 2017

4K – Caterina Colavito, 2017

4K – Marta Tibollo, 2017

4K – Caterina Campagnano, 2017

4K – Rachele Terenzio, 2017